Saturday, November 21, 2009

UCM Content Server Error

Sometimes UCM Content Server doesnot start when you attempt to start it. If the error is one of the below, then it is because some other service is already listening on that port. So kill that process and the content server will start sweetly.

Follow my earlier post "How to find the process which is using a port" or do a google search on how to find the process which is already listening on a port.

After you the find the process listening on the port that content server is attempting to listen kill that process and then start the content server.
It should be java.exe.

C1Node1: Unable to start the providers for 'Idc Content Service idc'. Unable to start the system provider 'SystemServerSocket'. Could not listen on address port 4444. Address already in use: JVM_Bind [ Details ]
An error has occurred. The stack trace below shows more information.

!$C1Node1: !csUnableToStartProviders,Idc Content Service idc!csProviderUnableToStartSystem,SystemServerSocket!csCouldNotListen,,4444!syExceptionType2,,Address already in use: JVM_Bind
intradoc.common.ServiceException: !csProviderUnableToStartSystem,SystemServerSocket
at intradoc.server.IdcSystemLoader.prepareStartMonitorProviders(
at intradoc.server.IdcManagerBase.startProviders(
at intradoc.server.IdcManagerBase.serviceStart(
at intradoc.server.IdcServerManager.serviceStart(
at IdcServerNT.init(
at IdcServerNT.main(
Caused by: !csCouldNotListen,,4444
at intradoc.provider.SocketIncomingProvider.startProvider(
at intradoc.provider.Provider.startProvider(
at intradoc.provider.Provider.startProvider(
at intradoc.server.IdcSystemLoader.prepareStartMonitorProviders(
... 5 more
Caused by: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
at Method)
at intradoc.provider.SocketIncomingProvider.createServerSocket(
at intradoc.provider.SocketIncomingProvider.startProvider(

C1Node1: Failed to initialize the server. Unable to start the system provider 'SystemServerSocket'. Could not listen on address port 4444. Address already in use: JVM_Bind [ Details ]
A fatal error has occurred. The stack trace below shows more information.

!$C1Node1: !csFailedToInitServer!csProviderUnableToStartSystem,SystemServerSocket!csCouldNotListen,,4444!syExceptionType2,,Address already in use: JVM_Bind
intradoc.common.ServiceException: !csProviderUnableToStartSystem,SystemServerSocket
at intradoc.server.IdcSystemLoader.prepareStartMonitorProviders(
at intradoc.server.IdcManagerBase.startProviders(
at intradoc.server.IdcManagerBase.serviceStart(
at intradoc.server.IdcServerManager.serviceStart(
at IdcServerNT.init(
at IdcServerNT.main(
Caused by: !csCouldNotListen,,4444
at intradoc.provider.SocketIncomingProvider.startProvider(
at intradoc.provider.Provider.startProvider(
at intradoc.provider.Provider.startProvider(
at intradoc.server.IdcSystemLoader.prepareStartMonitorProviders(
... 5 more
Caused by: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
at Method)
at intradoc.provider.SocketIncomingProvider.createServerSocket(
at intradoc.provider.SocketIncomingProvider.startProvider(

How to find which process is using a port in Windows

The netstat command is used to display the TCP/IP network protocol statistics and information.

For help and to find all the options available with netstat command execute the below command.
c:/>netstat /?

To find all the open ports and which process is listening on those ports in Windows 2003 server follow the below steps.

Go to command prompt and type netstat -ano
It gives you the result of all active process running on the system along with the port to which they listen.

Then once you get the process id(PID) from the above step,
Go to Task Manager -> Processes tab.
Click View Menu -> Select Columns..
And select the check box of PID so that it gets displayed on the Processes tab.
Now using the PID got from the first step, get the process name which is listening on a particular port.